What is Pa-Kua?
Pa-Kua is an ancient knowledge that has served humanity, from ancient times to the present, in the attempt to understand the changes and adapt to them in order to live in a state of greater harmony. In the international League of Pa-Kua, we approach this ancient and exciting knowledge through the practice of one or more of our “disciplines”.While the name ‘Pa-Kua’ is shared with other Eastern disciplines, our teaching system is unique and has nothing to do with them. What is taught in our League is a complete, practical and enormously useful knowledge for all people regardless of their age. It is practiced in a non-competitive way, always paying attention to the possibilities and needs of each student.
The pillars of our teaching are:
The origin of Pa-Kua
The first stories about the origin of Pa-Kua knowledge begin in Chinese mythology. The most well-known myth takes place about 5000 years ago, when Emperor Fu-Hsi was meditating on the banks of the Yellow River when a turtle emerged from the waters. In his shell, Fu-Hsi could glimpse the eight states of change or trigrams that make up the Pa-Kua symbol, which were intended to be used to understand the events of the Universe.
The International League of Pa-Kua
Master Rogelio Magliacano began practicing Chinese and Korean martial arts at age 9, obtaining high rankings in several of the styles in which he trained. His search for knowledge also led him to the study of various oriental therapeutic techniques.
After 25 years of training, he began studying Pa-Kua Knowledge in the East and later founded the International Pa-Kua League in 1976. The League has expanded throughout the world through the work of his students, with locations in Argentina, Brazil, the United States, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, England, Uruguay, Peru, Canada, Bolivia and Israel.
In 2006, after 30 years of leading the International League, Master Magliacano appointed Master Nicolás Darío Moyano as his successor. Master Moyano presides over the League with Master Fernando Martín Sandri. Both are continuously working towards bringing all the processes linked to teaching to higher levels of excellence. To do this, they periodically review the programs and teaching methods.
The Masters responsible for the League, together with the most graduated Masters, periodically visit the 200 schools worldwide where Pa-Kua is taught, and travel to China on a regular basis to continue researching the various branches of Eastern knowledge.

M. Rogelio I. M. Magliacano

M. Nicolás Moyano and M. Fernando Sandri